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Improving Quality for Fast & Sustainable Fulfillment Operations with Factored Quality

September 09, 2022

Improving Quality for Fast & Sustainable Fulfillment Operations with Factored Quality

Developing more sustainable and reliable product production is a challenge many newly omnichannel companies face. Our own Sneh Parmar interviewed Prince Ghosh, Co-Founder and CEO of Factored Quality, to discuss how quality is more important than ever in today’s omnichannel world and what businesses can do to maintain high quality as their business grows.

The Omnichannel Trend

  • An omnichannel retail strategy provides more opportunities for customers to purchase products, whether on mobile, web, or in stores.
  • According to Shopify, brands can experience a 190% increase in revenue by adopting an omnichannel strategy.
  • Lucky helps brands with omnichannel fulfillment and inventory availability.
  • Selling through multiple channels typically means that production must scale up in order to keep up with demand.
  • Consequently, businesses are challenged with finding ways to produce more products at a faster pace without sacrificing quality.

The Quality Challenge

  • Ghosh found that many of his customers were struggling to maintain the same level of product quality as they increased their production.
“One of the hardest things to do is make sure that my product quality scales, as I continue to go from shipping a hundred units to a thousand units, 10,000 units to a million units.” – Ghosh
  • These issues can cause a loss of 20% of revenue or more due to bad quality control
  • Brands often rely on independent quality control agencies in local areas where factories are located to help ensure that their products meet the high standards of their customers.
  • Maintaining quality across multiple regions and multiple factories is a daunting task for any brand.

High Customer Expectations

"The thing that customers at the end of the day care about is getting their products quickly on time and getting them in the state in which they imagined, or having that experience that they wanted when they first bought it online." – Ghosh
  • Missed product deliveries are actually due to supply chain issues, such as QC issues that are not discovered until the merchandise reaches the distribution center in the US.
  • Inventory delays can often be a death knell for a brand, especially if you're seasonal or selling during the holiday season.
  • Lucky helps online brands by offering same-day fulfillment and in-store availability through retail.

Lucky & Factored Quality’s Approach

  • Factored quality makes it easy for omnichannel brands to find and manage quality control inspectors in any geography where their factories are located.
“We enable these brands to have that degree of visibility at every single node of their supply chain, to be able to make sure that the product that they're giving to their end customer is exactly what you in your product design team's minds.” – Ghosh
  • The Lucky team is also helping omnichannel brands navigate the inventory management complexities of selling through multiple channels.

Lucky is proud to partner with an innovative company like Factored Quality. Ghosh emphasized, “if you're an e-commerce brand that is struggling with quality or has ever even just wished they could see what's happening on their manufacturing floor right now, reach out and I'd be happy to help out there and offer a discount.”

If you’re a brand, contact Lucky and set up some time to learn more.

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